Need Of Responsible Tourism In India

Abhinav Khare
Posted on 27 November 2024


What is Responsible Tourism?

Responsible Tourism in India is travel to any place that assists with saving the climate and improve the livelihood of local people. In simpler terms, “eco-friendly” travel should profit both the local nature and the economy.

If it benefits individuals monetarily yet jeopardizes wildlife or harms the Environment, it’s not genuinely economical.

On the chance that it adds to safeguarding and preserving the habitat, but local people are not considered as monetary partners in the task or business’ prosperity. It’s anything but genuinely sustainable.

There is no basic meaning of responsible travel. The idea includes being a moral values traveler through your ecological commitment and attitude to various societies and individuals.

Impact of Responsible Tourism in Environmental Issues

Negative Side of Travelling

Negative consequences from travel and tourism happen when the degree of travelers is more than the climate’s capacity to adapt to this utilization of resources within the limits of that place.

It can degrade a region and lead to effects. For example, soil disintegration, more contamination, discharges into the ocean, natural surroundings loss, the tension on imperiled species, and proneness to woods fires.

Positive Side of Being Responsible

1. Decrease Plastic Waste

Plastic was one of the significant issues in the place that obliterates the standard living space of birds.

With the introduction of initiatives for Responsible Tourism, good ways to diminish plastic waste have been found.

2. Preservation

Makes positive commitments to the protection of cultural and social heritage to support India’s diversity.

3. Better Travel Experience

It gives more pleasant encounters to travelers through more significant connections with local individuals. It also gives a better comprehension of local cultural and ecological issues.

Initiatives taken in India

Numerous Indian states followed PM Modi’s Atmanirbhar crusade and focused on the domestic market. They returned to the planning phase and drew up the travel industry approaches fundamentally concentrate on the domestic market.

The foundation of wellbeing and sanitary conventions, focus on safe practices, social distancing, and so forth, arose as a pivotal advance to re-establish trust and trust in the place.

For Example-

Andhra Pradesh introduced its new travel strategy in December last year to redo the viewpoint and give a change in perspective to the travel industry in the state, with a subject-based methodology, to make it an ahead better place in terms of Environment.

The Rajasthan Tourism Policy-2020 aims to promote the state as the leading destination in public and global business sectors, reinforce and differentiate existing items and so on.

Responsible Tourism, Eco-Tourism, and Sustainable Tourism- What’s the difference?

Responsible Tourism, as explained above, is travel to any place that assists with saving the climate and improve the livelihood of local people.

Ecotourism is the type of tourism that includes responsible travel to delicate, perfect, and generally undisturbed natural regions. For the most part, these regions have projects to moderate the climate or support the prosperity of the locals of the place.

Sustainable Tourism is the type of tourism that assesses its current and future monetary, social and natural effects, tending to guests’ necessities, the business, the climate, and host communities.

Destinations in India that have a higher need of Responsible Tourism


The increasing number of tourists has brought about enormous scope deforestation to develop hotels and guest houses.


The issue of decreased land sizes for farming is a result of the increased number of tourists. Local people have begun utilizing their territories for business related to tourism rather than agriculture.


It has been contemplated that over the recent thirty years, this town has seen a monstrous unplanned development. Many transcending hotels are constructed on the hills without accurately following the rules for development on hills.

What is the scope?

In Conclusion, People are taking Responsible Tourism, seriously in India now.

Slowly but surely, people are becoming more aware of the need to preserve every place but still take full enjoyment of traveling there.

Several projects are starting in various essential tourist destinations of India to protect not just the Environment but also the local communities living there.

Many times, due to increase in business of travel Industry, the livelihood of locals is getting disturbed. It is good to see that the authorities are taking many measures now for the same.

There is still a long way to go for Responsible Tourism in every part of the country, but we are headed to a good start.

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